Autoimmune Disease
Accurate and precise non-invasive imaging biomarkers for characterizing and monitoring treatment response.

MRCP+ provides enhanced visualization and quantitative assessment of the biliary tree and pancreatic duct that cannot be obtained via a standard abdominal MRCP or ERCP. Enabling the evaluation of hepatobiliary structures and accurate diagnosis, staging and monitoring disease and treatment response.
The number of strictures measure provided by MRCP+ is the only biomarker under review by the FDA's Biomarker Qualification Program (BQP) for PSC.
Combining MRCP+ with LiverMultiScan
cT1 provides a comprehensive whole liver slice assessment of fibro-inflammation, enabling non-invasive staging of disease activity and treatment response monitoring across several autoimmune liver conditions.
Case Study
A 22-year old male with PSC/AIH overlap syndrome on prednisolone and azathioprine; responded to treatment.

Combining LiverMultiScan with the quantitative measures provided by MRCP+, enables precise monitoring of bile duct and parenchymal liver health across a range of autoimmune liver diseases in a single, non-contrast MRI scan.